Ich hatte die große Ehre, ein Interview mit Giorgia Mondani zu führen. Es war mein erstes Interview, und ich hoffe, es gefällt euch. Es hat mir sehr viel Spaß gemacht, und ich denke, es wird nicht das letzte bleiben.
Nun zu meiner Interviewpartnerin, Giorgia Mondani: Giorgia ist die Tochter des legendären Rolex-Sammlers und Autors Guido Mondani. Sie wurde am 20. April 1984 in Genua, Italien, geboren. Schon in frühester Kindheit entwickelte sie eine Leidenschaft für Zeitmesser – eines ihrer ersten Worte war „Rolex“.
Nach ihrem Schulabschluss in Fremdsprachen arbeitete Giorgia gemeinsam mit Osvaldo Patrizzi und tauchte tief in die Welt der Zeitmesser sowie der internationalen Auktionen ein.
Neben ihrer Muttersprache Italienisch spricht Giorgia perfekt Englisch, Spanisch und Französisch und hat auch Grundkenntnisse in Deutsch. Sie arbeitete mehrere Jahre als Marketing Director in der Firma ihrer Eltern und trug erfolgreich dazu bei, die Präsenz des Unternehmens auf dem Weltmarkt weiter auszubauen. Zudem schreibt sie für verschiedene italienische und internationale Zeitschriften und betreibt ihren eigenen Blog über Zeitmesser, den „Mondani Blog“.

What interests you in Watches and in particular Rolex?
My father is one of the world’s most important Rolex experts and collectors so I grew up surrounded by watches. I like the way a Rolex fits perfectly with every look.. Doe not matter if you are man or woman, if you are elegant or dressed up.. A Rolex looks perfect for every occasion. I also love tudor, Patek Philippe, Omega and Audemars Piguet.
We all know that you love Rolex watches. But what’s your favorite Rolex? and why?
I love the Day-Date because I find it the ideal watch to wear every day..
I also like the Submariner becasue, as i said, it is perfect for every occasion. In particular, I love green color so I appreciate in particular the 16610LV and 116610LV.
In another interview I read that you went very far for a watch to buy them. What was the furthest away and which watch you bought there?
I cannot reveal too much because these rare watches will be published in the upcoming limited edition book, so it will be a big surprise for our readers 🙂
I can say that we travelled from California to China, visited many customers and had the chance to see amazing private collections.
Many people have true treasures..
Your father have his entire collection sold, how are him today after this big step?
My dad sold his collection at the right time, before the financial crisis and the perfect timing helped to achieve those outstanding results.
I also think that the Mondani Auction changed the vintage Rolex market in a very strong way.. Now if a Rolex achieve big amounts of money is not really a surprise anymore..
My father deeply loves watches so it is clear that he could not stop collecting.. In fact he still has an amazing collection of sport and classic Rolexes.. ;P
Have you ever bought back some watches or starting a new collection?
I kept some of the best watches I had because I loved them too much to give them for sale at auction.. I started to collect again but never bought a watch that was mine.. Too expensive now 🙂 LOL
How did it happen that you have published a book about Tudor watches?
Our friend Alberto Isnardi published this fantastic book and since we have thousands of good customers, we definitely wanted to commercialize this amazing limited edition. We guarantee that the quality is very high and so far it is the most complete and updated guide on vintage and modern Tudor watches.
And there will be more books about Tudor watches?
Probably there will be something because „Tudor Anthology“ had and sill has a big success. But it is too early to say, as we are very busy with other projects:
the Mondani Club ( click here to know more : http://mondanibooks.com/benefits/ )
the distribution of the new Rolex Story limited edition
the realization of Rolex Encyclopedia
and much more 🙂
What do you think about Tudor watches?
The quality and the aesthetic of Tudor watches increased a lot in the last few years.. I think that Tudor is becoming every year more important..
The latest Montecarlo is fantastic, I bought it and love to wear it !
Rolexes are becoming very expensive and sometimes, if you do not want spend that much, a Tudor can be the ideal choice. Furthermore, I think their value will increase in the next years.
Did you have also Tudor watches in your collection and which was your favorite?
Of course, a Prince OysterDate and the Montecarlo
You’ve your own apps for iPhone and iPad. Will comes your books also in a eBook version?
It is important for us to continue creating a „double market“: one for those who still love paper and one for those who prefer apps. So we will keep creating apps for iphone and ipad. We created an app for „Rolex Gallery“ for Android as well.
The problems with the ebook is that it is easy to copy the contempt and since there is a lot of study and research behind the realization of every book, we don’t want to have people downloading or copying the texts 🙁
On which projects you currently working, and what a new book from you we can look forward next?
As I mentioned before, we have created the MONDANI CLUB, which hopefully it will become a very important and exclusive in the field of horology. Being a member is very easy ( We just need to receive a photo of this person with one or more of our books) and all members will have amazing benefits and discounts (click here to see more: http://www.collectingwatches.com/mondani-club-benefits/)
For examples, every member can reserve the 2015 Mondani edition with a special 50% discount ( http://mondanibooks.com/benefits/)
Which advice can you give smaller collectors like me on their way?
Never buy or sell without having read reliable information.
The market changes and changes and we all have to remained tuned !
If a watch looks perfect but it is too cheap, there is something wrong !
If there is something that does not convince you, you’d better wait and check.
Always look for reliable information – this is the most important advice ! (that is why we make books ;P )
A closing word?
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any question or doubt ! We are always happy to talk with collectors and aficionados 🙂
Ich bedanke mich ganz herzlich bei Giorgia für dieses tolle Interview und dafür, dass sie sich die Zeit genommen hat.